Last update: Sunday, 09 March 2025


Wednesday, 07 April 2021

Coinciding with World Autism Day

King Salman Center for Disability Research launches the second edition of its story collection (Awareness)


King Salman Center for Disability Research, in conjunction with World Autism Day, launched the story (My Journey) by Her Royal Highness Author Princess Yasmeen bint Ahmad bin Salman, (My Journey) is the second edition of the educational story collection (Awareness). The story aims to educate children about Autism Spectrum Disorder by telling a short educational story about Faris with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It incorporates an overview of the disorder and training activities. In turn, Her Highness Princess Yasmeen, the author of the story collection (Awareness), praised the King Salman Center for Disability Research for the support she found from those in charge of the center's work to launch her first story work and through the Prince Sultan bin Salman program to spread awareness and education for individuals with disabilities through which it hopes to expand its collections of stories and contribute to achieving the program’s goal of social integration and establishing equality among all members of society. It is worth noting that the center will provide (Awareness) stories in Arabic and English for free on the center’s website, and for those wishing to view these stories and download them directly, please visit:

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