Last update: Sunday, 09 March 2025

Centers of Excellence

Demonstration Video






From the standpoint of science that benefits people, the King Salman Center for Disability Research has been working since its establishment three decades ago towards leadership at the national and global levels to meet the challenges of disability by supporting and implementing scientific and innovative research and developing national cadres to create a better future for individuals with disabilities. In addition to research and innovation, the center has many initiatives and programs in many areas, including mental health programs, early screening, universal access and training programs.

Because the Center looks forward to reducing disability of all kinds and its various congenital, genetic and acquired causes and raising the quality of life and well-being of individuals with disabilities, the Center spares no effort in working on programs and projects to build strategic partnerships with national scientific research centers to provide innovative solutions to the problems facing individuals with disabilities and to benefit from national experiences in this field. In its strategic plan, the Center is moving towards maximizing the impact of research in the field, developing human cadres in the field of disability and related fields from all sciences, and leading innovation and solutions to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and their families.
In accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 for Quality of Life, which is concerned with improving the lifestyle of the individual and family and building a society whose members enjoy a balanced lifestyle by creating the necessary environment to support and develop new options that enhance the participation of the individual and society in cultural, recreational and sports activities. Therefore, the Center is determined to establish centers of excellence with research and educational institutions to address the challenges facing Saudi society in the field of disability.


Parties Targeted

Centers and teams that have an integrated research structure so that the center supports the completion of research projects in the field of disability and benefits from the structure The infrastructure includes equipment, human capabilities, and scientific competencies capable of carrying out innovative research and products.

Objectives Initiative


Fields of Scientific Research


The center is interested in scientific fields that are primarily concerned with the quality of life for individuals with disabilities, including the following:

  • First: The health field, which includes: 
    1. Medical and biological engineering.
    2. Biomechanics.
    3. Medical and basic research related to disability and rehabilitation.
    4. Therapeutic nutrition.
    5. Health care for people with disabilities.
    6. Preventing diseases and lifestyles that cause disability and ways to avoid contracting them (genetic, congenital or acquired).


  • Second: The scientific field, which includes: 
    1.  Genes and heredity research.
    2. Engineering sciences and applied research.
    3. Statistics and data science.


  • Third: The humanitarian field, which includes:
    1. Behavioural, psychological, social and neurological research.
    2. Education. 
    3. Training and skills development.


Registration Opening Date

From: 21 February 2024, To: 21 March 2024 

Application form link

Please click here

Duration of support for the Center of Excellence

24 Months


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1A scientific discovery in which the center is to be involved.
2An invention or design of a device or tool to serve people with disabilities (e.g., innovative wheelchair, etc.).
3A list of products serving the community of people with disabilities (assistive auditory or visual aids, etc.).
4Scientific publication in the journal Nature or Science.
5Publication in the top 10% of ranked scientific journals.
6Preparing an innovative guidance or accreditation manual for the detection, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities.


Evaluation Criteria for Excellence Centers or Research Teams

1The number of patents or scientific discoveries registered under the name of the center or research team.
2Preferably, research published in journals like Nature and Science is preferred.
3The presence of reputable scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science database annually
4The number of citations in peer-reviewed journals in the Web of Science for the center or research team in the last 5 years.
5The average number of research papers per research team member in the last 3 years.
6Possession of research expertise in one of the fields related to disabilities.
7Preference is given to those with previous research in the field of disability.
8The infrastructure of the center (equipment, materials, etc.).
9The extent of the center's commitment to standards of research ethics.


Inquiries and Technical Support

For inquiries and technical support, we are happy to assist you via the following e-mail or by phone calling: 0114884401 ext. 320