The news:
Headed by His Excellency Dr. Tawfig bin Fawzan AlRabiah, Chairman of the King Salman International Award for Disability Research, the Authority held its first meeting on 11 Shaaban 1442 H, during which the general concept, the basic regulations, the logo, and the identity of the award, and the budget for the third session was approved, and the meeting issued a set of important decisions, which constitute the essential features of the third session 2021-2022, which will be during the award ceremony under the auspices of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect him - to honor the exceptional achievements represented in the health and medical sciences branch, The Educational and Psychological Sciences Branch, and the Rehabilitation and Social Sciences Branch, after adding the fourth branch on the technical applications in the areas of disability. The Secretary-General of the Prize, Dr. Sultan bin Turki Al-Sudairy, explained that this award has become one of the most prominent international prizes, an honoring platform, and an international forum for scientists around the world, individuals, and institutions, aspire. Noting that this award, whose idea stemmed from His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, was granted within the branches of the Children with Disabilities Association Award before it is granted by the Center. And Dr. Al-Sudairy is careful about the award selection committees to apply the principles of impartiality and transparency in their study of all nominations that are accepted, in accordance with the regulations set by the award committee, nothing that the first award session was in1435H (2014) and the second was in 1439H (2018), and both were distinguished. It is worth noting that the King Salman International Award for Disability Research is issued by the King Salman Center for Disability Research, and its committee is chaired by Dr. Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah and its membership include His Excellency Its membership includes Dr. Badran bin Abdulrahman Al-Omar - President of King Saud University, and Her Excellency Dr. Enas bint Suleiman Al-Issa - President of Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman University, Professor Lailak bint Ahmed Al-Safadi - President of the Saudi Electronic University, Professor Tariq bin Abdul Hadi Taher - founding member of the Center, and Professor Samir bin Ahmed Nasser Al-Binali - founding member of the center, And Mr. Jane Marc Tatton - CEO of Exxon Mobil Saudi Arabia - the founding member of the Center - and Dr. Sultan bin Turki Al Sudairi - Advisor to His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center, Dr. Hisham bin Muhammad Al-Haidari, CEO of the Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities, and Dr. Ola bint Muhyiddin AbuSukkar – Chief Executive Officer of the King Salman Center for Disability Research.